Friday, November 3rd: End of 1st quarter. Early release with the early bus @ 1:00 and late bus @ 1:30.
AIPAC Meeting
Picture packets are being sent home today!! (10/13/23)
School Board Meeting on Thursday October 12th, 2023 @ 4:30 P.M
Picture Day Information
*The lower level gym door is the only one that will be open for public.
*Door will not open until 11:05 AM.
*Please have your picture packets filled out and the correct change as we will not have change.
AIPAC Meeting
School Board Meeting on Thursday September 14th, 2023 @ 4:30 P.M.
OPEN HOUSE- August 31st
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 3:30
Summer Meal program runs through August 17. Breakfast 8:30 - 9:30. Lunch 11:30 - 12:30. Both on Monday - Thursday (no Fridays).
NCCS Summer School runs for 9 days in June and 9 days in July, with 47 qualifying for the attendance field trip! Students have been working hard on reading, math, and science skills. In addition, they have been participating in an hour of culture/language activities and an hour of service learning each day. Summer School dates are July 11-13, 18-20, and 25-27.
Congrats to our t-shirt design winner!
Call for student graduation pictures!
Kindergarten Round-Up!!
School Newsletter has been posted. Check the "Quick Links" by selecting the "Menu" button on the Home Page.
Look at this improvement in kindergarten math! Great kids + great staff + great caring adults + great attendance = Great improvement! Chi Miigwech, caring adults for getting your littles up and going in the morning. . .it makes a difference!
Kindergartners had the best attendance last week. They have won the award a few times. Check out the impact of their strong attendance on their math scores - 100% above the 50th percentile on the mid-year i-ready assessment! WOW! Way to go K!!!
I have spent the day digging deeper into our i-Ready and FastBridge data. Words can't express how proud I am of our staff and students. They are working so hard!!! Great improvements in both math and reading! Thank you families for pushing the attendance and reading at home, this coupled with our hardworking staff and students is making a difference! If your family needs more books stop by the school and we will see what we can do. The increase in cultural activities, new approach to intervention, strong commitment to meeting students' needs and more are all helping raise achievement! Half way through the year, I can't wait to see where we are at in the spring! Go Eagles!
NCCS Community Together for Kids! We got this!
Immediate Need @ NCCS
Academic Interventionists
Teaching License Required